Friday, July 15, 2016

Knot in my Chest

Why are images of guns acceptable for mass consumption but not breasts?
I conducted an experiment on Facebook, posting an image of the red/blue painting, Venus De Paella and attempted to boost for advertising purposes with the title, "Peace Matters." The ad was flagged for content policy restrictions, specifically nudity. But Venus De Paella is not an image of nudity it is a cartoon. 

I was able to boost an image of an AR-15, weapon of choice for mass shootings in America however, despite the number of men, women and children who have been killed recently do to the public access to this weapon without proper safeguards.

What is really important when it comes to survival?
Mammary glands vs. automatic rifles

If you follow the logic: it is better to be dead than a woman.

Mammary glands vs. automatic rifles

What is really more important?

Not my chest

Not my chest

Knot in my chest

Knot in my chest

Knot in my chest

Not in my chest

Please help raise awareness for the deadly damage that gun violence causes

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